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1881 Census: Residents of Maybole Combination Poorhouse

Alexander K. MC QUISTONM40MHeadGovenor Of Poor HouseBall..., Ayr, Scotland
Jane W. MC QUISTONM38FWifeMatron Of Poor HouseDalmellington, Ayr, Scotland
Catherine G. MC QUISTON  9FDaurSchAyr, Ayr, Scotland
Jane K. MC QUISTON  6FDaurSchAyr, Ayr, Scotland
Mary G. MC QUISTON  3FDaurMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Mary GIFFINU16FSerGen Ser DomKirkoswald, Ayr, Scotland
Samuel AGNEWW83MPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
Ann BOYDW31FPatientPauper Formerly ConfectionerGlasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Hugh BOYD 12MPatientPauper SchGlasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Wilhelmara BOYD  1FPatientPauperGlasgow, Lanark, Scotland
John BURNEU59MPatientPauper Formerly Gen LabKirkoswald, Ayr, Scotland
Margaret CRAIGU43FPatientPauper Formerly DairymaidKirkoswald, Ayr, Scotland
Elizabeth DAVIDSONW37FPatientPauper Gen Ser DomDailly, Ayr, Scotland
William DAVIDSON 6mMPatientPauperMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
John DODDW74MPatientPauper Ag LabGirvan, Ayr, Scotland
David DUNLOPU27MPatientPauper Formerly Farm SerGlasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Jane EDGAR  4FPatientPauperMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Margaret EDGAR  6FPatientPauperMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Joseph ELLIOTW80MPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
Jane GRAHAMEU57FPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverKirkoswald, Ayr, Scotland
James HECDORU68MPatientPauper Formerly Ag LabKirkoswald, Ayr, Scotland
Margaret HENDERSONU26FPatientPauper Formerly Gen Ser DomMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Robert HENDERSON 2mMPatientPauperMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Elizabeth HIGGINSW54FPatientPauper Formerly Gen Ser DomGirvan, Ayr, Scotland
James HIGGINS 13MPatientPauper SchGirvin, Ayr, Scotland
Francis HODGSONU24MPatientPauper Formerly JapanerMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Susan HOG  5FPatientPauperGirvan, Ayr, Scotland
Robert KENNEDYU65MPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
William LONEW74MPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
James LOVEU24MPatientPauper Formerly Ag LabMochrum, Wigtown, Scotland
Janet MC ANDREWSU69FPatientPauper Formerly Gen Dom SerGirvin, Ayr, Scotland
Elizabeth MC DONALDU66FPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
Martha MC GIRVANU72FPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
John MC KAY 9mMPatientPauperMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Margaret MC KAYM31FPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
James MC MAIEW78MPatientPauper Formerly Ag LabIreland
Ann MC TAGGARTU33FPatientPauper Formerly Gen Ser DomGlasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Simon MINNADEM76MPatientPauper Formerly Cotton WeaverIreland
William PARKU45MPatientPauper Formerly TailorMaybole, Ayr, Scotland
Agnes PATERSONM35FPatientPauper Formerly Gen Ser DomGirvan, Ayr, Scotland
Robert PATERSON 9mMPatientPauperAyr, Ayr, Scotland
Alexander RAMSAYU59MPatientPauper Formerly ClerkKirkoswald, Ayr, Scotland
Susan REIDW67FPatientPauper Formerly Gen Dom SerAyr, Ayr, Scotland

Total residents: 43

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